Friday, April 10, 2020

March 2020 News! Covid-19

This has to be one of the craziest times in history for many of us. We are not making light of the massive loss of life throughout the world. But how many times have we wished for more time? Time to do projects around the house? Time to spend with the kids and our spouses? Time to spend reading the Bible and or to pray? Time to rest from our stressful jobs? Time to start a workout routine and get in better shape?

Well, if you are like us you are now faced with more time than you know what to do with. And may we encourage you to stop worrying about the future and take control of the present. Now is the time to accomplish those to-do lists.  Matthew 6:27 says, “Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life.” (NIV)

Many of us have all heard the saying, “Worry about the things you can change. The things you can’t change stop worrying about!” These are times for us to be mindful of those who should be worried. There are people who do not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The Bible says believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved. This is a decision that must be made by each individual and must be made before we die or before Christ returns.

We are seeing many posts on Facebook and hearing from many people that this is the end times or the return of Christ is coming soon. Yet, Jesus said no one knows about that day or the hour, not the angels in heaven, nor the Son of man. Matt 24:36 (NIV) So, in reality, the return may come tomorrow or in a thousand years from now!  The most important thing for us to do is to stay calm and do the work the Lord Jesus called us to do. Share the gospel! And live a life worthy of our call.  (Ok, now I’m done preaching.)

The month of March seemed to be a time of Isolation for us.  We had to cancel church the first two weeks due to heavy rains and strong winds. We were able to have church on the 15th and then the Covid-19 caused the country to shut down, as many of you are already experiencing. The virus also forced many expats to return home earlier than normal and Costambar has now become a ghost town. I mean the houses and the streets are empty.

We were so blessed to have our friends Roger and Sandy come for a short visit before the lockdown. We were able to spend some quality time with them playing games and visiting the beach. On one of their final days here, we planned a day at the beach. When we arrived at the beach the police told us we had to leave and that we couldn’t visit any public places. It was this day that we realized their stay had to be cut short.  We had to have them transported to the Capital city, “Santo Domingo” in order to catch one of the last flights leaving the country. We praise God they were able to catch the flight home to be closer to family and friends.

The Dominican Republic is now on total lockdown as are most countries. Borders are closed for incoming and outgoing flights.  We have a curfew and can’t leave our houses from 5 PM – 6 AM.  No going out except for food and medical needs  (Could become stricter soon).  I am asking you all to please pray for Janine because she is locked up… you know…with Me J.   I thought of it as a blessing for her, but Janine, doesn’t see things as I do.  Lol

 So what are we doing to pass the time? The same things we are encouraging you to do! We are spending more time reading, studying the Bible, preparing Messages and Sunday school lessons for the glorious day we are released from our homes.  

We are staying connected with the few people who are still here. We try to assist each other when shopping or by sending a quick note here and there.  We have been able to help some in our neighboring community by giving help so they can buy food.  We were unable to find masks in the pharmacy, so Janine started making masks and giving them away. We will reach out financially until the funds are depleted. 

These are some very tough times for all. Isolation! Lack of food! Disconnection from families! Shortage of medications! Seeing those we love suffer from the virus! We can look back in history and see similar tragedies. By studying these past tragedies we can see they made it through. God did not cause this virus. God did not cause people to die.   But, God is in control! He will use these circumstances to bring glory to his name.

Let us count our many blessings! What we are experiencing will soon pass and things will get back to normal. Here is your homework. Finish this statement. “Now that I have the time, I will _____?___”.  Now it’s time to get busy!

Covid -19 has surely changed how all of us are doing life right now, and  it will have an impact that will not be forgotten.

May we all continue to be united in PRAYER and place our Hope in our God who Loves Us!