Friday, October 2, 2015

Back Home in Uganda

You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you. Isaiah 26:3

October 2, 2015, Star date log 45.  The Uganda experience!  (This is how each episode of Star Trek would start out)  Even though we have been here before we feel that this is a new adventure for us.  An adventure we are both excited to experience again.  Before I get into the adventure I want to share a little about our trip back to Uganda.  It was awesome!!!!!!!!!!  Lol

Many of you were praying for our journey back to Uganda and we thank you for doing so!  We were very concerned about our connection in Toronto because we only had a one-hour layover.  We made the connection in Toronto without any problems and we know it was because of your prayers.  The problem we didn’t anticipate was in London where we had an hour and a half layover.  We arrived in London late and British Air sold our seats.  We were in line for security check a half an hour before the flight left and BA said we needed forty-five minutes to clear security check. Lol

We were then re-routed from flying London to Uganda.  We were booked on a flight to Dubai.  This added more time to our flights and gave us two additional seven-hour layovers, one in London and one in Dubai.  The upside to all of this is we were able to visit another country (airport) and we flew on the largest commercial airliner made (the Airbus 380, a double decker).  We were very impressed with the Airbus 380.  The flight was smooth and we were treated very well by the United Arab Emirates airlines.  We are happy to say we are here safely and we arrived with our entire luggage, which is a miracle in itself.  Thank you for your prayers!

Now about the adventure!  While we were visiting in the States we were blessed to meet with and share with many people and in many churches.  While visiting one of the churches we were reminded about the commitment we had made and about the need to prepare ourselves for that commitment.  We didn’t want to go back to Uganda and fall into the same old routine.  Things were going well before we left Uganda, but things can always be better.

The pastor of the church we visited one Sunday shared with his congregation that a while back he considered taking a pastoral position at another church.  After much prayer he decided moving was not what God wanted him to do.  He felt there was still work to be done at this present church and he decided to stay. The majority of the service, aside from our sharing about Uganda, was dedicated to this pastor re-dedicating himself to the church.  He made a commitment to his congregation to preach, teach and lead the people of the church and to help them draw closer to God.  What a testimony this was to Janine    and I.

Many times in life we can get caught up in doing the same old thing and doing life out of habit.  What I mean is, we go to work, school, church with the intent of getting through another day or serving in ministry to say we served.  Sometimes we get into a routine in our home life as well.  We go home to eat, rest and prepare for another day.  All areas of our life can become habit forming.

I believe we need to be more intentional in our daily lives to try and break out of the routines: maybe recommitting ourselves to a given area of our life such as going to work with the intent of making changes that can bring about better productivity or that can restore relationships and bring harmony.  Also maybe we need to go to church with the intent of worshiping God, receive direction in our lives instead of going out of duty, or serve in a way that challenges people and brings about spiritual growth.
Janine and I moved to Uganda with good intentions and we felt we were able to get much accomplished here before we returned home to America.  After hearing the pastors testimony, we were moved to recommit ourselves to the village of Naigobya and the ministries we are serving in.  As we shared with you while we were on furlough, we are committed to bringing about changes in the village that will develop spiritual growth and help the school and people become self-sustaining.  In order to accomplish this we have to be more intentional about what we do and how we do it.  Even though ministry was going well before we left Uganda, we need to avoid falling into the same old routines.

We want to thank you all for the many ways you ministered to us in the States.  Many provided food, lodging, and recreation to help us get refreshed.  We needed the rest to help us refocus and recommit our lives to “the least of these.”  Many of you increased support and others decided to start supporting us for the first time.  We feel recharged and ready to serve with a better direction.  Because of you we are able to serve here and recommit our lives here.  

The people of the village and those at St. Paul Primary School in Naigobya were excited to receive us.  The men and women greeted us warmly and the teachers and children of the school sang songs of greeting and welcoming to us.  What a blessing we received!  God is good! 
Fun at the Lake

Together at our parents Cabin on the lake

Daddy took Maddie on a ride on the Firetruck for her birthday

P6 Students welcoming us home with songs!

Our first visit back in the village was to check on our little twins.