Thursday, January 7, 2016

It’s a New Year, with New Beginnings and fresh Excitements!

With each New Year we like to look back on where we were and where should we go from here.  We ask ourselves, “What things did we do right, what things did not work, what things do we need to do differently, and how can we serve God better and make an impact for His Kingdom?”

We are not going to lie.  This past year had its share of hard times and struggles for various reasons.  The road ahead had many unknowns and the directions weren’t always clear.  But we have learned, we tend to forget how far we have traveled until we take a look in the rear view mirror.  The road traveled was filled with beauty, with successes, new lives born, and hearts that turned to Jesus, So, without a doubt, God’s blessings this past year, surpassed the bumps we received along the way.

While we were home in the US we shared our excitement about the Actis family joining us and our ministry.   A few weeks after our return to Uganda, it became obvious their visions and our visions with The Afayo Project were not the same.  This was a huge bump and pothole we had to travel through.  Finally, they decided to go their own way and start their own ministry.   We were thrown a bit off course.  This was not the direction we envisioned.  Our excitement turned into doubts, feelings of inadequacy, failures and asking ourselves “Why?”

We had a combined Men & Woman's Bible Study on
Communion.  15 men and 28 women learning God's Word
together. 4 received Christ and most took communion
for the first time.  Praise be to God!
Immediately, God started changing those doubts and gave us confirmations! Finding good sewing machines here is a very difficult task and can take months to find a contact.  But God, in his wonderful way, led us to an organization, with the last of 5 sewing machine sent from the UK, for a ministry such as ours.  With each day and each doubt came a new conformation: money for the 5th classroom came in from a couple we had never met, unexpected donations and personal supporters were coming in, people with similar ministries were sharing insights and helps, people in the village who had heard the message of Christ many times finally gave their lives to Him!  Physically and Spiritually God was showing us He is our Road map!  Just keep the course and keep following!  

We are very excited with what God has for us this coming year!  Physical changes and additions will be happening at the school with the foundation for 5 new classrooms and 2 classrooms getting built.  A water tank will be installed.  Books and educational resources will be introduced in the school.  Spiritual awaking is happening and hearts and ears are opening!  Lives are being changed! 

God never promised the road would be easy.  Struggles and difficulties are a part of our journey.  But, like I tell my sewing ladies (and our verse for the year) Phil 4:13 “I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.”

  “We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance.  And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation.  And this hope will not lead us to disappointment.  For we know how dearly God loves us…..” Romans 5:3-5

 Christmas Clothes for many!
Moms came and did some Christmas shopping for their children.

These two little girls on the left lost their momma a couple months ago.  They were so happy to get new dresses and not be forgotten!
Representatives from the Busoga University and the Anglican Diocese visited St. Paul's School and loved the New Library and were excited to see the growth and the Pastoral training starting this month!